Sunday, 3 May 2015

Staying out of trouble (no time to do anything else!)

The picture below isn't my own Sunday School class - it's the earlier branch that meets in the same building. By the time our ward had classes, someone turned the a/c on in our little serving area/classroom, so we stayed inside.... (I didn't know it had a/c! I've only ever used the ceiling fans).

We talked about covenants - promises with God - and discussed the Bible story of Noah and the ark. Someone mentioned that maybe there hadn't ever been a lot of rain in Noah's area, in his days - it kind of reminded me of Trinidad - I hear legendary stories of rain and flooding, but I've seen hardly any yet - even if rain is forecast (when I occasionally check) and there are clouds in the sky, I seldom carry my umbrella anymore...if someone told me the earth here would be flooded out, would I believe them?

In other news, I now feel officially overwhelmed (some days at least). I teach some piano lessons, teach my Sunday School class of course, help with church music, including playing for choir - for which I'm learning a new song; and choosing Sacrament meeting music, for which I'm simplifying two hymns - and I've started advertising and planning for the big multi-unit Talent Show at the end of June.
It's all very rewarding but sometimes challenging to keep all my projects straight.

Any returned missionary reading this knows the dilemma I'm sure - at the end of your mission, it seems you are just hitting your stride! and altho my time has been short, it seems it's been intense...

Just writing about it makes me feel tired, so I think I'll go to bed early! ;-)
And I do like being busy.

Til next week...

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